Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This morning i reached my workplace, i turn on my facebook and realize that WHAT!! she removed me... i was like WHY?  FOR WAD REASON U REMOVE ME?? so i called her and ask but she say that she did not remove me.. so i told her nvm and then close the call.. after that  i whatsapp her asking her why she lied to me? she replied  i didn't unfriend you or block you.. i told her to go c for herself .. and i told her if you hate me just say so.. n so she insisted she did not unfriend or block me.. she herself also have no idea why i been removed.. well then she mention this.. if i want to unfriend you , i wont wait till now.. think wisely thanks.. so it came to my sense and yea she was rite.. i told her that im sorry for the misunderstand .. FACEBOOK AH.. y u prank me!! ><

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